《母親愛情的限度》- Ma Mere (2004)
導演:Christophe Honore 克里斯多夫‧何內
原著:Georges Bataille(1897-1962) 巴塔耶
Isabelle Huppert 伊莎貝‧雨蓓 ........ 重要演出作品 :《編織的女孩》《天堂之門》《茶花 女》《包法利夫人》《儀式》《鋼琴教師》
Louis Garrel 路易士‧加維 ........ 重要演出作品 :《巴黎初體驗》
《母親愛情的限度》- Ma Mere (2004)
是一部探討 縱慾的母親,與個性陰鬱的17歲兒子,親情與愛慾交錯亂倫的禁忌故事。
故事改編自法國爭議性的哲學作家 Georges Bataille(1897-1962) 巴塔耶 的文學作品,
Wikipedia--巴塔耶 的生平資料:
不過, 有些劇情可能有點失真, 可能作者看影展一次記憶上的失誤!!
目前詮釋最好的, 是來自 IMDB 的論壇, 從哲學與心理層面探討, 非常專業~
I think the end of the movie reflects Pierre's evolution from a dour and unhappy youth, someone who is not enamoured with life, into someone who has discovered not only sex and perversion but also happiness and love. He explores his sexual desire for his mother (who, as the movie shows, was never a "real" mother to him in the first place) because he must explore this... his love for her is that deep - it is sexual and maternal...
His life has been boring, frustrating and pointless, devoid of spirituality and understanding because, as a youth, he hasn't really experienced anything. When he has sex with his mother, life opens up to him... He finds everything he has been looking for and exitential meaning finally enters his psyche. He masterbates because he is alive. He is pleasuring himself. He "feels" something more meaningful and intense than anything else he has felt before. His mother has made the ultimate sacrifice, even if her intentions may not have been to do so, by sleeping with him, fulfilling both of their desires, and showing him he is not wrong to want to have sex with her, not wrong to desire her.
This is Freudian and Oedipal, yes, and the end of the film is an affirmation of such desires which suggests that taboo and societal morals do nothing but inhibit us and, in the end, kill us. The mother is not only dead physically. Before she sleeps with her son she is dead emotionally, spiritually and sexually. She has been suffocated by a society which suggests she is "immoral" and "perverse." This is why she seeks out immoral and perverse sexual relationships as a woman who has become a mother (the father also desires the son but thats a whole other story). Her sacrifice in the end is to give her life to prove to her son that he is neither perverse nor immoral. That he is not wrong to have sexual feelings for her.
So, at the end of the film, when Pierre cries out that he wants to live, he reaffirms all that his mother has shown him. There is nothing psychologically wrong with him. There is nothing spiritually wrong with him. He is yelling to tell her that he understands what she was trying to show him.
It's easy to condemn this family and consider them "perverse," "dysfunctional" and "F'ed up" but when we do so, we are only falling prey to societal and cultural pressure which ultimately render us incapable of making decisions for ourself which may be right for us even if they are not right for others. This film believes, and imho rightly so, that theres is nothing wrong with sexual exploration of any kind as long as no one is forced to do something against their will (no one in this film ever does anything he or she doesn't consent to) and that even when one does something sexual that they regret, it is only a part of being alive and human. We should be able to explore, try new things, and participate in many diverse sexual situations in order to find our own path without shame, disgust or regret. Our only failing would be to continue in a seuxal existence that we know is not right for own psyches.
The French call an orgasm "a little death" (la petite morte - which I have probably misspelled) and sex and death are ultimately tied together. Sexual couplings between men and women can result in life (I kind of wish the film had ended with Hansi pregnant and Pierre a father) and through sex we can explore the ultimate in existence. Our bodies are designed and created for sex, in many ways, so to test our sexuality is to test our existence. To explore sexuality is to explore the meaning of life. Loulou's submission to masochism is a glaring example of a person testing their existence quite intesely. (In the deleted scene on the DVD, he leaves the sleeping Hnasi and Pierre and says, "Have you nothing dirtier for me to do?) His story at poolside of being sexually excited when being cut by a man who wants to "slaughter" him like a "pig" plays into the questions posed by the works of Sade and this film's source author Georges Bataille. Where does pain end and pleasure begin? This is one of the most obvious questions poised by existentialism. Screw "I think therefore I am;" the true ideal is: "I feel pain and pleasure therefore I am."
When Pierre screams, "I want to live" at the end of the film, he is saying even more than just that. He is saying, "I want to explore. I want to feel. I want to love. I want to think for myself. I don't want shame."
看過完整版 《巴黎初體驗》Louis Garrel 路易士‧加維 以 "露鳥" 演出 的網友們 請注意,
他在這部電影更加豪放不羈, 形銷骨毀 .....
Isabelle Huppert 伊莎貝‧雨蓓 的演技沒話講,
R3-台版 DVD 除非大量刪減,
至於【母親,愛情的限度】(Ma Mere) 則是在市場展看的,當地謠傳本片本來應該進到正式競賽,卻因內容尺度而在最後被迫拉下來,卻吸引了滿場的人士擠在試映室看個究竟。
本片是作家出身的導演哈諾(Christophe Honore)改編巴代耶(Georges Bataille)的小說,伊莎貝雨蓓搖身變為「地中海第一淫婦」,她不願讓離開多時、又再回到身邊的兒子,活在濡慕母愛的假象中,然而誠實以對的結果,卻為兒子開啟了通往性的狂喜、沈淪與毀滅的地獄之門,背德程度直追薩德侯爵。禁忌的程度,只能用「驚世駭俗」來形容。想必在金馬也會引起相當大的爭議。
導演 Christophe Honore 克里斯多夫‧何內 的官網:
縱慾的中年母親 Helene (Isabelle Huppert 飾演)
兒子 Pierre (Louis Garrel 飾演) 與 母親關係親密
母親的密友 Rea (Joana Preiss 飾演),也是一位豪放女,多次全裸裸露演出~
兒子 Pierre 與 女友 Hansi (Emma de Caunes),Emma de Caunes 蠻耐看的的法國新生代女星,也多次全裸裸露演出~
其它 Isabelle Huppert 的明艷劇照!!
兒子 Pierre 與 女友 Hansi
母親 Helene 與 兒子 Pierre 的亂倫愛慾!?
This is Robb's unoffical Celeb Site
JSDVD - 禁片區 - 英國二區Ma mere母親,愛情的限度 (by 大豆網兄, 必須註冊為 JSDVD 會員才能觀看)
PCDVD 討論串 - 挑戰禁忌的愛慾 《母親愛情的限度》- Ma Mere (2004) - http://forum.pcdvd.com.tw/showthread.php?t=645651