
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

很久很久以前,浩瀚無際的銀河之中 ......



星戰電影 本身,就是一個傳奇的冒險故事 (Saga) ......

星戰電影 的故事劇情,起始於 科幻電影大師 喬治‧盧卡斯 (George Lucas) 1973年的 14頁 手稿,故事靈感 來自許多的 神話故事 (myth)、以及 古典傳說

最初, 喬治‧盧卡斯 寫了 15 個故事,打算以這 15 個故事集,組成 星戰故事 的本體。

下圖為 1976年專注拍攝中的 喬治‧盧卡斯 --

Image:George lucas03.jpg

(圖片來源:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:George_lucas03.jpg)

喬治‧盧卡斯 原本只規劃將其中的一個故事,拍成 星戰電影。

1978 年,因為 《星際大戰四部曲:曙光乍現》大獲成功,喬治‧盧卡斯 名利雙收之際,誇下海口,公開宣佈他打算以 天行者‧路克 (Luke Skywalker) 的編年史順序,拍攝 12 部星戰電影系列。

1979年,喬治‧盧卡斯 撤回他先前的聲明,只打算拍攝 9 部星戰電影系列。

4年之後,喬治‧盧卡斯 完成了 《星際大戰六部曲:絕地大反攻》,他再次改弦易轍,宣佈 星戰電影系列的拍攝計劃,將 無限期 展延,直到 特效科技 能夠滿足他的要求為止。

終於,時序來到 1995年 ....

喬治‧盧卡斯 看了 《侏儸紀公園》電影中 ILM 公司 ( http://www.ilm.com/ ) 做出 的 驚人特效,決定拍攝 星戰電影系列 的 前傳三部曲,此時,星戰電影系列 6部曲 正式底定。如同前幾次一樣,喬治‧盧卡斯 又做了一次斬釘截鐵的宣告-- "the whole thing as a series of six films" 完整的星戰電影系列,就只有這 6部曲了~ 



《星際大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏》- Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999)

《星際大戰二部曲:複製人全面進攻》- Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002)

《星際大戰三部曲:西斯大帝的復仇》- Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005)

《星際大戰四部曲:曙光乍現》- Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977)

《星際大戰五部曲:帝國大反擊》- Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

《星際大戰六部曲:絕地大反攻》- Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983)




  • BBY = Before the Battle of Yavin 雅汶大戰 前
  • ABY = After the Battle of Yavin 雅汶大戰 後

星戰銀河系 的 時間 度量衡 (依據 Coruscant  星球的 自轉 + 公轉 換算)

  • 1 年 = 10 個月 + 3 節日週 + 3 假日 = 368 日
  • 1 個月 = 7 週 = 35 日
  • 1 週 = 5 日
  • 1 日 = 24 小時
  • 1 小時 = 60 分鐘

一年 的 週期 組成 (Tapani 象限地區 )

  • 一月: Elona
  • 二月: Kelona
    • 假日 之一: Tapani 日
  • 三月: Selona
    • 節日週 之一: Expansion 週
  • 四月: Telona
  • 五月: Nelona
    • 假日 之二: Productivity 日
  • 六月: Helona
    • 節日週 之二: Shelova 週
  • 七月: Melona
  • 八月: Yelona
    • 假日 之三: Harvest 日
  • 九月: Relona
    • (The Freeworlds Region of the Tapani Sector also recognizes Relona 10 - 15 as Independence Week.)
  • 十月: Welona
    • 節日週 之三: Winter Fete

結論:一個 銀河年 的 週期 (不限 Tapani 象限地區)  = 2 個月 + 1 個 假日 + 1 個 月 + 1 個 節日週 + 2 個月 + 1 個 假日 + 1 個月 + 1 個 節日週 + 2 個月 + 1 個 假日 +  2 個月 + 1 個 節日週

一週 的 週期 組成

  • 星期一: Atunda
  • 星期二: Katunda
  • 星期三: Satunda
  • 星期四: Datunda
  • 星期五: Natunda

星戰電影 的 主題 時間線 (以 銀河年 為單位)

  • 32 年 BBY - 《星際大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏》
  • 22 年 BBY - 《星際大戰二部曲:複製人全面進攻》
  • 19 年 BBY - 《星際大戰三部曲:西斯大帝的復仇》
  • 星戰元年 0 BBY - 《星際大戰四部曲:曙光乍現》
  • 3 年 ABY - 《星際大戰五部曲:帝國大反擊》
  • 4 年 ABY - 《星際大戰六部曲:絕地大反攻》

星戰 的 歷史 時間線 (以 銀河年 為單位)

  • 75 億年 BBY  - 宇宙大爆炸
  • 50 億年 BBY  - 星戰 的 銀河系 誕生
  • 30 億年 BBY  - The Sharu race evolves in the Rafa System
  • 20 億年 BBY  - The Oseon System forms. A rogue star is believed to have passed too close to the system, disrupting the planet formation and creating an abnormally large asteroid belt.
  • 10 萬年 BBY
    • The planet Coruscant is now covered entirely by its principal city, later known as the Galactic City.
    • The ancient Sith civilization begins to develop on the planet Korriban.
    • The Jedi rise
  • 9 萬 5000 年 BBY - The lower 40-50 levels of (present day) Coruscant see the sun for the last time.
  • 4 萬 9000 年 BBY - The Infinite Empire of the Rakata is established. They bring hyperdrive technology to the galaxy
  • 2 萬 8000 年 BBY - After a protracted civil war, a plague affecting only the Rakata causes the Infinite Empire to collapse.
  • 2 萬 7000 年 BBY - The first human colonists land on Alderaan
  • 2 萬 5200 年 BBY
    • The Force is rediscovered by many groups across the galaxy.
    • The Killiks are forced to leave Alderaan, and head to the Unknown Regions.
  • 2 萬 5130 年 BBY - The reign of Xim the Despot begins
  • 2 萬 5100 年 BBY - Xim the Despot is killed while battling the Hutts at Vontor, ending his tyrannic reign over the Tion Hegemony
  • 2 萬 5000 年 BBY
    • Hyperdrive is rediscovered.
    • The Unification Wars are fought.
    • The Galactic Constitution is signed. After the signing of this constitution the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order are founded. Coruscant becomes the Republic's capital.
  • 2 萬 4500 年 BBY - The first war between the Jedi, the First Great Schism, begins when some of their number are drawn to the dark side. (絕地 的 第一場戰爭)
  • 2 萬 4400 年 BBY
    • The Dark Jedi, known as the Legions of Lettow, lose the war and are exiled from the Republic.
    • A prophecy tells of a Chosen One who will bring "balance to the Force."
  • 9990 年 BBY - Lightsabers are invented.
  • 8000 年 BBY - The Republic colonizes the planet Malastare. Gran colonists arrive over the following centuries and begin to displace the native Dugs.
  • 7000 年 BBY - The beginning of the Second Great Schism: the Hundred-Year Darkness.
  • 6900 年 BBY - The Hundred-Year Darkness presumably ends. The rebellious Dark Jedi are exiled from Republic space. In the realms beyond the Republic's reach they found the Sith Empire, which remains unknown to rest of the galaxy for almost two thousand years.
  • 5500 年 BBY - The first leg of the Rimma Trade Route is established by Tapani Sector merchants.
  • 5000 年 BBY
    • The Great Hyperspace War. Gav and Jori Daragon accidentally lead the Sith Empire to the Republic. The Republic wins the following war, but Naga Sadow escapes to Yavin 4.
    • The planet Tatooine is discovered by the Republic (approximate date). It had formerly been a part of the Infinite Empire.
  • 4400 年 BBY - The Jedi Knight Freedon Nadd falls to the Dark Side, learning the secrets of the Sith from the Dark Lord Naga Sadow, and becomes the ruler of the planet Onderon.
  • 4250 年 BBY - The Third Great Schism: the Vultar Cataclysm.
  • 4014 年 BBY - Canderous Ordo is born
  • 3998 年 BBY - The Jedi impose order on Onderon, sealing away Freedon Nadd's tomb on the demon-moon Dxun within a container of Mandalorian iron. The heirs to the Empress Teta system begin dabbling in Sith magic, stealing an ancient tome from a Coruscantan museum. The two cousins, Satal and Aleema Keto, become corrupted by the Sith lore and Freedon Nadd's ghost.
  • 3997 年 BBY - The two heirs, aided by dark Sith magic, stage a coup, assuming control of the seven planets of the Empress Teta system. A civil war rages, and the Old Republic dispatches a military task force assisted by Jedi to restore peace. Exar Kun discovers Freedon Nadd's tomb, and goes to Korriban, where he is corrupted. The Jedi meet at Ossus, where in the discussions on the recent resurgence of the Dark side, Satal and Aleema unleash their Tetan war droids on the Jedi, killing Ulic Qel-Droma's master, Arca Jeth. Exar Kun sets up base on Yavin 4 with Qel-Droma after destroying the spirit of Freedon Nadd.
  • 3996 年 BBY - The Great Sith War. Fallen Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun lead a war against the Republic, but are defeated by the Republic and light-sided Jedi.
  • 3986 年 BBY - Ulic Qel-Droma is killed.
  • 3983 年 BBY - The Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders begin to conquer worlds in the Outer Rim. The Jedi Council forbids involvement by the Jedi until the problem has been assessed.
  • 3983 - 3980 年 BBY - Atton Rand is born
  • 3976 年 BBY - Brianna the Handmaiden and Mical the Disciple are born. The Miraluka Visas Marr is born on Katarr.
  • 3974 年 BBY - Mira is born.
  • 3970 年 BBY - Mission Vao is born
  • 3963 年 BBY
    • The Mandalorian Wars begin.
    • The Jedi Revan and Malak defy the Jedi Council and lead the Republic forces against the invaders.
  • 3960 年 BBY
    • The Mandalorian Wars end. A Jedi serving Revan as general, later called the Exile, willfully severs all ties to the Force to end the pain caused by the thousands of deaths at the Battle of Malachor V. The Exile is called to Coruscant to answer for defying the Jedi Council, and is banished when the Council learns of the general's willful abandonment of the Force.
    • Revan and Malak disappear. Shortly after this time, Revan and Malak fall to the Dark Side, each assuming the title of Sith Lord and adding Darth to their names. The tradition of using "Darth" as a prefix for a Sith name is used often, but certainly not by all Sith Lords for the next 3,000 years.
    • HK-47 is built by Revan.
  • 3959 年 BBY - Revan and Malak, who have been seduced by the dark side, declare war on the Republic. Only the Battle Meditation of Bastila Shan staves off certain defeat.
  • 3956 年 BBY - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
    • The Jedi Civil War concludes with the redemption of Revan, the death of Malak, and the destruction of the Star Forge.
  • 3955 年 BBY - Revan disappears into the Unknown Regions to destroy the threat of the "true Sith."
  • 3951 年 BBY - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
    • The Exile is discovered aboard the Ebon Hawk, Revan's ship, by Darth Traya, a Sith Lord trying to kill the Force by manipulating the life-threatening echoes caused by the Exile's willing abandonment of it. The Exile reestablishes connection to the Force, then kills Darth Traya, Darth Nihilus, and Darth Sion, who have spent the last five years murdering Jedi, and a new Jedi Order is built.
  • 3900 年 BBY - The planet Naboo is colonized by settlers from Grizmalt.
  • 2000 年 BBY - A rogue Jedi absconds from the order with a stolen Holocron and starts a new Sith Order that engages the Jedi for the next thousand years. The New Sith War begins, lasting for over a thousand years.
  • 1031 年 BBY
    • The Battle of Ruusan. The remaining Sith are exterminated on Ruusan, with the exception of Darth Bane, who starts a new Sith Order with only one master and one apprentice at a time. Furthermore as part of his own reformation of the Sith Order, Darth Bane institutes the tradition that all Sith names shall begin with "Darth", a previously common but not universal appellation. The site of the final confrontation of the battle becomes the legendary Valley of the Jedi.
    • The Senate passes the Ruusan Reformation, setting the year of the Battle of Ruusan to the year zero.
  • 1000 年 BBY - Thousand year peace begins, Jedi Order accepts new laws.
  • 896 年 BBY - Yoda, arguably the greatest Jedi Master ever to exist, is born on an unknown planet. He is discovered by the Jedi, and begins his training in infancy. (尤達大師 誕生)
  • 596 年 BBY - Jabba the Hutt is born.
  • 490 年 BBY - The Corporate Sector Authority, a free-enterprise fiefdom of the galaxy, is founded to free the Senate and corporate moneymakers from each other.
  • 350 年 BBY - The Trade Federation is founded.
  • 200 年 BBY - Chewbacca is born on Kashyyyk.
  • 102 年 BBY - Count Dooku is born to an aristocratic family on Serenno. He is discovered by the Jedi, and begins his training in infancy.
  • 92 年 BBY - Qui-Gon Jinn is born on an unknown planet. He is discovered by the Jedi, and begins his training in infancy. (絕地武士 魁剛 誕生)
  • 82 年 BBY - Darth Sidious is born Palpatine on the planet of Naboo and is taken into training by Darth Plagueis.
  • 72 年 BBY
    • Mace Windu is born on Haruun Kal. He is discovered by the Jedi and begins his training at infancy.
    • Shmi Skywalker is born
  • 69 年 BBY - Bail Organa is born on Alderaan.
  • 66 年 BBY - Jango Fett is born on Concord Dawn.
  • 64 年 BBY - Wilhuff Tarkin is born on Eriadu.
  • 58 年 BBY - Jango Fett is orphaned when his family of simple farmers is murdered by the Mandalorian Death Watch. He is picked up by former Journeyman Protector Jaster Mereel.
  • 57 年 BBY - Obi-Wan Kenobi is born, though there are no details about his place of origin. He is discovered by the Jedi, and begins his training in infancy.  (絕地武士 歐比旺 誕生)
  • 54 年 BBY - Darth Maul is also born on Iridonia, and is kidnapped as an infant by Darth Sidious. Darth Sidious then begins training him as his apprentice.
  • 52 年 BBY
    • Palpatine is elected to the Galactic Senate as Senator of Naboo.
    • Zam Wesell is born on Zolan.
  • 50 年 BBY - Jar Jar Binks is born on Naboo.
  • 46 年 BBY - Padmé Amidala is born to Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie on Naboo.
  • 45 年 BBY - The Katana fleet, the first attempt by the Republic to rebuild a standing military after Ruusan, is launched.
  • 44 年 BBY
    • The Stark Hyperspace War (no relation to the Great Hyperspace War).
    • Qui-Gon Jinn takes Obi-Wan Kenobi as his padawan. (絕地武士 魁剛 收 歐比旺 為 徒弟)
  • 42 年 BBY - Firmus Piett is born on Axxila
  • 41 年 BBY - Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One who will bring balance to the Force, is born to a slave named Shmi Skywalker, though no details of his exact place of origin is disclosed. (絕地武士 安納金 誕生)
  • 40 年 BBY - Finis Valorum is elected Chancellor of the Republic.
  • 39 年 BBY - Shmi and Anakin Skywalker come to live on Tatooine when they are purchased by Gardulla the Hutt. However, the Hutt ultimately loses her prize to a junk dealer named Watto.
  • 35 年 BBY - The Great Resynchronization occurs, in an attempt to harmonize different Galactic calendars.
  • 34 年 BBY - The Mandalorians are destroyed by a Jedi task force led by Count Dooku in the Battle of Galidraan. Jango Fett is the only survivor.
  • 32 年 BBY
    • 《星際大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏》
      • Anakin Skywalker begins to build C-3PO out of the pieces of several broken protocol droids.
      • The Trade Federation, under the influence of Darth Sidious, blockades, and eventually invades Naboo to protest a shipping tax.
      • The droid R2-D2 distinguishes himself by saving Amidala's ship when it was running the blockade. On Tatooine, R2-D2 meets his future counterpart C-3PO.
      • Anakin Skywalker is discovered by Qui-Gon Jinn on the planet Tatooine.
      • The Battle of Naboo takes place when Queen Amidala fights back against the Federation when the Galactic Senate refuses to act: she unites her people with the Gungans and together they successfully overturn the Federation, despite the Naboos' and Gungans' mutual dislike for each other. In the battle, Darth Maul kills Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan Kenobi kills Darth Maul. Daultay Dofine is killed when the Droid Control Ship is destroyed.
      • After Jinn's death, Skywalker begins training to be a Jedi under Obi-Wan Kenobi.
      • Following the Naboo crisis, Senator Palpatine of Naboo is elected Chancellor of the Republic, replacing Finis Valorum.
    • Count Dooku leaves the Jedi Order and disappears, secretly joining Darth Sidious.
    • Bail Organa is elected to the Galactic Senate as Senator of Alderaan.
    • A clone army is created on Kamino in secret, supposedly commissioned by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. The source of the clones, Jango Fett, demands, in addition to his considerable pay, an unaltered clone for himself, whom he raises as a son and names Boba.
  • 31 年 BBY - Kendal Ozzel is born on Carida.
  • 29 年 BBY
    • Raith Sienar presents the original concept for the Death Star to Wilhuff Tarkin.
    • Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker visit on Zonama Sekot.
    • Han Solo is born on Corellia.
  • 27 年 BBY - Yarael Poof is killed. He gave his life saving Coruscant from a band of terrorists who had secured a weapon powerful enough to destroy the entire planet.
  • 24 年 BBY - Count Dooku reappears on Raxus Prime and alleges that the Republic has become too corrupt and pushes for citizens to break from the Republic and form a new government of their own, the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
  • 22 年 BBY - 《星際大戰二部曲:複製人全面進攻》
    • An attack is made on Senator Amidala's landing platform, on Coruscant, by bounty hunter Zam Wesell, killing eight Naboo officers and Amidala's decoy, Corde.
    • After a second attempt to kill Senator Amidala, Jedi Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi chase Zam Wesell through Coruscant. Jango Fett silences Zam Wesell with a poison dart, killing her instantly.
    • Anakin Skywalker returns to his homeworld of Tatooine and meets his stepbrother Owen Lars. C-3PO is reunited with R2-D2.
    • Shmi Skywalker is killed by Tusken Raiders, driving Anakin Skywalker toward the dark side of the Force.
    • Obi-Wan Kenobi discovers that Nute Gunray has been attempting to orchestrate Padmé Amidala's death in revenge for foiling his plans ten years before and that Count Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems is preparing for war.
    • Palpatine is given "emergency powers" by the Senate (as recommended by Jar-Jar Binks, thus making the Gungan directly responsible for Palpatine's later rise), and adopts the clone army as the Grand Army of the Republic grown on Kamino to fight the Confederacy.
    • The Clone Wars begin with the Battle of Geonosis. Mace Windu kills Jango Fett in the fighting and Boba is left an orphan. Poggle the Lesser passes the later concept for the Death Star to Count Dooku, who in turn places it under the protection of Darth Sidious on Coruscant.
    • Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala fall in love and marry in secret on Naboo.
  • 22 - 19 年 BBY - Star Wars: Clone Wars
    • Aayla Secura and Ylenic It'kla track down a Techno Union scientist on Corellia.
    • Durge reamerges from hibernation and joins the Confederacy. He fights in the Battle of Muunilist against Obi-Wan and apparently is killed. However, he survives and after Asajj Ventress is defeated by Anakin Skywalker he fights with her against the Jedi. He is ultimately killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi.
      A Dark Jedi named Asajj Ventress meets Count Dooku and proclaims herself as a Sith. However after fighting with Count Dooku she understands that she is far beyond their power and wishes to join the Sith, so Darth Sidious and Count Dooku use her for their dark plan against Anakin Skywalker. Once she finds Anakin Skywalker, they engage in battle, and Ventress is defeated, but survives.
    • Trandoshan mercenaries capture the Republic Assault Ship Prosecuter and try to sell it to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Republic Special Commando Force Delta Squad recapture it.
    • General Grievous, leader of the Separatist Army, invades Coruscant, kidnapping Chancellor Palpatine.
  • 19 年 BBY
    •  《星際大戰三部曲:西斯大帝的復仇》
      • The Clone Wars end with the destruction of the Confederacy at the Battle of Coruscant where there Count Dooku meets his death and the death of General Grievous at Utapau.
      • Chancellor Palpatine is revealed to be Darth Sidious, kills Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Saesee Tiin, Kit Fisto, and Agen Kolar, and creates the Galactic Empire with himself as Emperor. Anakin Skywalker turns to the dark side, and becomes Darth Vader.
      • The Great Jedi Purge is orchestrated by Palpatine and Vader and almost all Jedi are hunted down and killed including Ki-Adi-Mundi, Aayla Secura, Plo Koon, Stass Allie, Luminara Unduli, and Barriss Offee; only a handful of Jedi Knights survive.
      • Darth Vader kills the Separatist Council in cold blood on Mustafar. Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi then duel. Vader loses both his legs and his left arm in the battle, then burns alive. He is rescued by Darth Sidious and rebuilt as part-man, part-machine.
      • Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa are born to Padmé Amidala, who dies in childbirth (although not directly from childbirth itself- the details behind why she died are obscure and often debated, seeing as the medical staff said she was 'perfectly healthy'). Obi-Wan Kenobi, a survivor of the Great Jedi Purge leaves Luke with Anakin's step brother Owen Lars and Leia with Bail Organa, so they cannot be discovered by the Empire.
      • Two Jedi Masters, having escaped the Great Jedi Purge, go in exile. Obi-Wan Kenobi in a remote desert on Tatooine, Yoda in a swamp on Dagobah. They will await the coming of age of Luke Skywalker.
      • The first resistance to Imperial rule comes up. All of these events set the stage for the Galactic Civil War.
      • Construction of the Death Star secretly begins.
    • Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
      • Several weeks after his defeat on Mustafar, Darth Vader makes his public debut as Palpatine's emissary and enforcer. The galaxy at large is told that Anakin Skywalker died in the assault on the Jedi Temple. No explanation of his origin is told to the public, but there is widespread speculation in the media he was an apprentice of Count Dooku, or possibly a Jedi who aided Palpatine in wiping out the Jedi order. Rumors begin to circulate in many quarters that he is a Sith Lord.
      • A handful of Jedi who escaped the initial phases of the Great Jedi Purge try to band together and resist the empire, but are hunted relentlessly through the galaxy by Lord Vader, on one of his first official assignments.
      • The planet Kashyyyk suffers significant ecological damage from orbital bombardment while over 200,000 wookiees are captured for enslavement. The official explanation for the enslavement of the wookiees is that it is a sanction for the planet providing sanctuary to fugitive Jedi.
  • 17 年 BBY - Mara Jade is born on an unknown planet.
  • 15 年 BBY - Star Wars: Droids (動畫系列影集)
    • C-3PO and R2-D2 have even more misadventures together with their masters Jann Tosh and Mungo Baobab.
  • 13 年 BBY - Firmus Piett is a lieutenant at age 26.
  • 5 年 BBY - Han Solo, now in a military academy, saves Chewbacca, now a slave, and is subsequently drummed out of the Imperial Navy. Chewbacca pledges a life-debt to Han Solo and remains his partner for the next three decades.
  • 3 年 BBY - Star Wars: Empire at War
    • Several allied anti-Imperial resistance movements that will lead to the Rebel Alliance increase their activity against the Empire, slowly escalating from small-scale guerilla activity to more organized and direct confrontation.
  • 2 年 BBY - The Rebel Alliance takes shape with the signing of the Corellian Treaty and the Declaration of Rebellion in the Cantham House Meetings on Coruscant; and the Corellian System Meetings between Mon Mothma, Bail Organa and Garm Bel Iblis, unifying their disparate resistance efforts into one organization.
  • 1 年 BBY
    • Bail Organa retires from the Galactic/Imperial Senate after 31 years and his adopted daughter Leia is appointed to serve his unexpired term as Senator of Alderaan until the Senate election that is due the following year.
    • Much of the senior staff and design team of Incom Corporation defect to the Rebel Alliance, most notably bringing with them the plans and prototypes for the T-65 X-Wing starfighter that was under development.
    • Operation Skyhook; the first major victory of the Rebel Alliance over the Galactic Empire. A coordinated effort across the entire Rebellion including communication satellites captured and reprogrammed by the Rebel fleet as well as a commando raid undertaken by Kyle Katarn leads to the theft of the plans to the Death Star, and the Rebellion being aware of the construction of the superweapon.
  • 星戰元年 ( 0 BBY / ABY) - 《星際大戰四部曲:曙光乍現》
    • Princess Leia's blockade runner the Tantive IV is captured by Darth Vader and droids C-3PO and R2-D2 land on Tatooine and come into the service of Luke Skywalker.
    • Obi-Wan Kenobi finds Luke, who was beaten by Tusken Raiders, and receives R2-D2's secret message.
    • A squad of Imperial Stormtroopers kill a sandcrawler of Jawas, and massacre Owen and Beru Lars, Luke Skywalker's uncle and aunt, leaving him without any immediate family (except for his sister, who was then unknown to be his sister and his father, Darth Vader, who was then unknown to be his father). That motivated him to become a Jedi. At first, Luke Skywalker thought the Sandpeople killed the Jawas, but Obi-Wan Kenobi's closer inspection revealed that the Imperial Stormtroopers killed them, and were responsible for killing the Lars.
    • The Imperial Senate is disbanded, giving Palpatine absolute power. Officially it is "Suspended for the Duration of the Galactic Emergency", but this euphemism fools nobody. Even Palpatine's loyalists know the Imperial Senate will never meet again.
    • After Leia refuses to disclose the location of the rebel base, Grand Moff Tarkin orders the Death Star to destroy her home world of Alderaan, killing her adoptive father, Bail Organa. Garm Bel Iblis soon leaves the Rebel Alliance due to disagreements with Mon Mothma, taking some of his forces, although most of his troops remain with the Alliance. This leaves Mon Mothma as the leader of the Rebel Alliance.
    • Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi meet Han Solo and Chewbacca and go to the death star with C-3PO and R2-D2 to rescue Princess Leia.
    • Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader have their final duel, resulting in the death of Kenobi, but his spirit lives on.
    • The Battle of Yavin. Luke Skywalker destroys the Death Star before it can destroy the Rebel base on Yavin 4, with the assistance of Han Solo and Obi-Wan Kenobi's spirit. Luke Skywalker and Han Solo join the Rebel Alliance. Grand Moff Tarkin and Admiral Motti die in the destruction of the Death Star, and Darth Vader becomes Palpatine's ruthless second-in-command.
  • 1 年 ABY
    • The Super Star Destroyer Executor is launched under the command of Captain Kendal Ozzel. It is dispatched to destroy the Rebel base on Yavin, but a miscalculation by Admiral Griff allows the Rebels to escape. Ozzel is promoted to Admiral and Piett assumes positon of Captain of the Executor.
    • Bakura joins the Empire.
  • 2 年 ABY
    • An Imperial force led by Darth Vader catches up to some of the Rebels on Ord Mantell. It is here that Darth Vader learns the name of the Rebel who destroyed the Death Star, Luke Skywalker. While on Ord Mantell, a bounty hunter working for Jabba the Hutt nearly captures Han Solo.
    • The Imperials stage an Ambush at Derra IV on a Rebel convoy. The loss was a terrible blow to the Alliance.
  • 3 年 ABY
    • 《星際大戰五部曲:帝國大反擊》
      • The Battle of Hoth. The Empire discovers the Alliance's secret base on the ice planet Hoth and attacks the Rebel Base successfully, with many Rebel casualties.
      • Admiral Ozzel is killed by Darth Vader for incompetence and Captain Piett assumes command of Vader's fleet.
      • Admiral Piett and Vader lead the Imperial Fleet into a asteroid field, and suffer heavy losses.
      • Luke Skywalker discovers Yoda on Dagobah, but halts his training and promises to return.
      • Boba Fett captures Han Solo to take him to Jabba the Hutt, after Solo is frozen in carbonite on Cloud City. Lando Calrissian joins the Alliance.
      • During a confrontation between the two, Darth Vader reveals to Luke Skywalker that he is his father, but Luke is uncertain about whether it is true.
    • Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
      • Bothan spies learn that a second Death Star is under construction, and warn the Rebellion of its location.
      • Luke Skywalker goes to Obi-Wan's hut in Tatooine to build a new (green) lightsaber. The lightsaber was similar to Obi-Wan's lightsaber because Obi-Wan has his own lightsaber building instructions at his hut.
      • Dash Rendar blows up the Black Sun Skyhook and is thought to be killed in the attack, though in fact he has survived.
      • Prince Xizor is killed by Darth Vader and Black Sun collapses.
  • 4 年 ABY
    • 《星際大戰六部曲:絕地大反攻》
      • Han Solo is rescued from Jabba the Hutt, and Jabba is killed by Leia Organa. Boba Fett is imprisoned in the Sarlacc, but later escapes by detonating his rocket jet-pack and is rescued by the bounty hunter Dengar. Warlords begin to wage war over Jabba's criminal empire.
      • Luke returns to Dagobah to keep a promise to complete his training. Yoda dies of old age after confirming that Darth Vader is Luke's father, and also tells of another Skywalker. Luke senses that Leia Organa is his sister as he talks with the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, who confirms that Luke's feeling is correct. Luke later passes this information on to her on Endor.
      • The Battle of Endor. Lando Calrissian, Wedge Antilles and Nien Nunb destroy the second Death Star, virtually ending the Galactic Civil War. They have help from the Ewok's fighting through Imperial forces to let a squad reach a ground station that emits a protective force field around the Death Star. The Empire is brought to an end and begins to tear itself apart through warlordism. Admiral Piett dies when the Executor crashes into the Death Star.
      • Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker is turned back from the dark side of the Force by the efforts of Luke Skywalker. Anakin Skywalker destroys Emperor Palpatine to save his son's life, but he is mortally wounded. He thus fufills the prophecy and brings balance to the Force by eliminating the Sith. Luke cremates Anakin's body on Endor. Luke sees the spirits of Anakin, Obi-Wan and Yoda during the celebration on Endor.
    • Star Wars: The Truce at Bakura
      • The Rebel Alliance becomes the Alliance of Free Planets and recruits systems across the galaxy for the reformation of the Republic.
      • Battle of Bakura: First ceasefire between Alliance and Imperial forces, though only so they could unite to drive away the Ssi-Ruuk invaders. Bakura leaves the Empire.
      • The spectral form of Anakin Skywalker briefly appears to Leia Organa.
      • One month after the Battle of Endor, Mon Mothma declares the restoration of the Old Galactic Republic; the Alliance of Free Planets becomes the New Republic. (Date locked by the Essential Chronology)
      • Sate Pestage, Palpatine's Grand Vizier and Head of Government, takes over as the de facto ruler of the Galactic Empire.
  • 5 年 ABY
    • Luke Skywalker attains the rank of General. Six months later, after Imperial forces under the command of Lord Shadowspawn fought to the last man against his army, he retires from the military. (promotion and retirement locked by the Essential Chronology and the New Essential Guide to Characters)
    • Ysanne Isard applies backstabbing maneuvers to overtake the Empire and rule as empress, deposing Sate Pestage.
  • 6 年 ABY - The Core Worlds Campaign, the fledgling New Republic moves from using guerilla tactics to open warfare and begins a campaign to take and hold territory from the rapidly crumbling Galactic Empire, which quickly proceeds to capturing worlds in the Core Worlds region of the galaxy with the goal of taking Coruscant as the capital world of the New Republic.
  • 7 年 ABY - Star Wars: The Bacta War
    • The New Republic takes Coruscant back from what remains of the Empire.
      Ysanne Isard leaves an artificial virus behind on Coruscant to take the sweetness out of the New Republic's victory.
    • The New Republic secures the needed bacta from Thyferra to eliminate the plague.
    • Isard fakes her death and disappears.
  • 8 年 ABY
    • Leia Organa marries Han Solo.
    • Prince Isolder allies the Hapes Consortium with the New Republic.
    • Imperial warlord Warlord Zsinj dies.
  • 9 年 ABY
    • Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy
      • Jaina and Jacen Solo are born to Leia Organa and Han Solo.
      • Grand Admiral Thrawn's attempt to destroy the New Republic and restore dignity to the Galactic Empire fails. He is subsequently assassinated.
      • The Noghri switch sides between the Empire and the New Republic when they discovered the Empire had been manipulating them and polluting their world.
    • Raynar Thul is born on an unknown planet (approximate date).
    • Obi-Wan Kenobi visits Luke for the last time as a force ghost before his spirit moves on.
  • 10 年 ABY - Star Wars: Dark Empire
    • Palpatine is reborn in a clone body and turns Luke Skywalker to the dark side, but Luke returns to the light side and kills Palpatine with Leia, destroying his flagship Eclipse.
    • Anakin Solo is born to Leia Organa and Han Solo.
  • 11 年 ABY
    • Final Destruction of Palpatine's first Galactic Empire: The Emperor returns again, but Empatajayos Brand destroys his life-force. Brand dies and Palpatine is ultimately dead. R2-D2 destroys Eclipse II and the Galaxy Gun, causing the destruction of the Imperial Fleet of Palpatine and planet Byss, where cloning machines of Palpatine are located.
    • Luke Skywalker establishes a Jedi academy on Yavin 4.
    • The New Republic establish the Star Tours travel company. R2-D2 and C-3PO are sent to help safe guard the passengers.
    • The New Republic attacks the Death Star prototype built by Maw Instillation and guarded by Admiral Daala's Star Destroyer squadron.
  • 12 年 ABY
    • Admiral Daala begins to reunify the Galactic Empire. Destroying opposing warlords and rallying some to her side, she allies with Vice Admiral Pellaeon and the remnants of Thrawn's faction to create the a unified face of the Empire. After a unsuccessful strike on Yavin IV, Daala hands control of the fleet to Pellaeon.
    • Durga the Hutt, the new leader of the Black Sun crime syndicate, working with Bevel Lemelisk (a leading designer of the Death Star), begins the Darksaber project. Durga attempts to build a superlaser weapon platform with as much firepower as the Death Star, but without the giant space station around it. A New Republic military operation destroys the Darksaber while it is under construction, although General Crix Madine is killed in the attack.
  • 13 年 ABY
    • Daala and Pellaeon continue to unify the various Imperial factions, gathering support from many scattered Imperial remnants. The Empire largely moves to the Outer Rim Territories. A significant area of the galaxy, from the Mid Rim to Wild Space is firmly controlled by the Empire. The term "Imperial Remnant" first enters use to refer to this reunified Empire.
    • A bioterrorism threat against the New Republic called the "Death Seed Plague" ends with the loss of the Imperial Remnant losing the Antemeridian Sector to the New Republic, a major defeat for the newly reunified Empire.
  • 14 年 ABY
    • The Empire Reborn movement, lead by Lord Hethrir and aided by the Dark Jedi Desann, attempts to rebuild the dark-side minions of the Empire by recruiting his own force-sensitive individuals as well as kidnapping students of the Jedi Praxeum, attempting to convert them all to the Dark Side, as well as augmenting them through Sith alchemy.
    • A bizarre extradimensional entity known as "Waru" attempts to return to its home dimension by devouring force sensitive individuals.
    • Following the defeat of the Empire Reborn movement, armed conflict between the Imperial Remnant and the New Republic drops off. While skirmishes and small-scale battles still occur, major offensives cease and the conflict seems to almost turn into a "Cold War".
  • 15 年 ABY - In the quietest, most peaceful year since the founding of the New Republic, a fleet of new Nebula-class Star Destroyers is commissioned. Although construction began during more active hostilities, the New Republic Senate raises many questions about the continuing military buildup while the Empire appears to be in decline.
  • 16 年 ABY
    • The outbreak of the Black Fleet Crisis ends a period of relative peace in the Galaxy. Yevethan forces (former Imperial slaves who overthrew their masters) using captured Imperial ships begin a genocidal campaign to conquer the Koornacht Cluster by killing all non-Yevethans. The New Republic is forced to fight in its own defense, as well as to rescue hostages held by the Yevethans (including Han Solo).
    • Luke Skywalker meets the Fallanassi, a mysterious and secretive sect of Force users who are total pacifists. Luke learns new Force techniques and philosophies from them, and gains their help to aid the New Republic in one battle, but then the Fallanassi leave known space.
  • 17 年 ABY
    • A bill to allow former Imperial officials to hold office in the New Republic develops into a massive scandal. Politically the New Republic grinds to a halt, while Leia Organa-Solo faces a No Confidence motion for her opposition to the measure, and temporarily steps down from office in favor of Mon Mothma until the crisis is resolved.
    • Kueller and Brakiss, Dark Jedi who were formerly students of the Jedi Academy, take advantage of growing political strife in the New Republic to try and overthrow the New Republic government.
  • 18 年 ABY
    • In the aftermath of the recent scandals, the Imperial Remnant attempts a massive campaign to retake the galaxy, hoping to take advantage of political strife in the New Republic. The campaign is a massive disaster, leading to the Imperial Remnant losing most of its territory, it is pushed back to holding only 8 sectors of the Galaxy in the Outer Rim. In the campaign, Admiral Daala's ship was crippled and lost, while not confirmed dead, she has never been seen since.
    • Thrackan Sal-Solo (first cousin to Han Solo), leads the Corellian Insurrection, his plot to become a dictatorial ruler of the Corellian Sector. Politically vilified for intervening in the affair, Leia Organa-Solo resigns as Chief of State of the New Republic and retires from politics.
  • 19 年 ABY - Star Wars: The Hand of Thrawn
    • A plan to restore the Empire's stature using an imposter of Grand Admiral Thrawn is foiled.
    • Luke Skywalker marries Mara Jade.
    • The New Republic and the remains of the Empire sign a peace treaty ending all legalized conflict between the Empire and the New Republic.
    • Leia Organa Solo returns to the office of Chief of State. 
  • 23 年 ABY
    • Jacen and Jaina Solo, now Jedi at Luke Skywalker's academy, fight against the Second Imperium, which attempts to disrupt the peace between the New Republic and "Imperial Remnant," as it had become known, and restart the Galactic Civil War.
    • Jedi Academy students, including Jacen, Jaina and Anakin, aid in the Jedi Praxeum's reconstruction after being attacked by the Shadow Academy
    • Leia Organa Solo permanately resigns, and Borsk Fey'lya is elected Chief of State of the New Republic.
  • 24 年 ABY
    • The "Diversity Alliance," an extremist anti-human organization, is defeated by the New Republic.
    • Jacen, Jaina, Anakin, Tenel Ka, Lowbacca and Zekk are promoted to apprentice Jedi Knights at the Jedi Praxeum.
    • Mon Mothma dies.
  • 25 年 ABY - Star Wars: The New Jedi Order begins
    • The Yuuzhan Vong invade the galaxy. Chewbacca dies at Sernpidal, when a moon is pulled out of its orbit and crashes into its planet.
    • The New Republic Historical Council sets the year of the Battle of Yavin to the year zero, adopting the current date system.
  • 27 年 ABY
    • Ben Skywalker is born to Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade.
    • Anakin Solo dies during the mission to Myrkr, after destroying the voxyn cloning samples.
    • The Yuuzhan Vong conquer Coruscant,Chief of State Borsk Fey'lya dies, and the New Republic all but disintegrates. Cal Omas is elected Chief of State and restores order.
  • 28 年 ABY
    • Ganner Rhysode dies.
    • The New Republic is replaced by the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.
  • 30 年 ABY - Coruscant is liberated from the Yuuzhan Vong. Zonama Sekot forges a peace accord between the Galactic Alliance and the Yuuzhan Vong. The war ends after five years. The death toll over the known galaxy that resulted from the invasion was estimated at about 365 trillion sentients.
  • 35 - 36 年 ABY - Star Wars: The Dark Nest Trilogy
    • Efforts to rebuild Galactic civlilization after the Yuuzhan Vong war continue, with many war-torn worlds still under reconstruction.
    • A border war between the Chiss and Killik threatens to engulf the galaxy, especially as some younger members of the Jedi intervene in the war without permission.
    • Luke Skywalker discovers hidden and protected memory files deep within R2-D2. They contain recordings of his parents and Obi-Wan from the Clone Wars. Luke and Leia finally learn who their mother was, and begin to understand how their father fell to the Dark Side.
    • Allana is born to Jacen Solo and Tenel Ka in secrecy.
    • The Jedi, struggling to come to terms with a new role in the galaxy and a new philosophy on the Force are called upon to act as police and diplomats by the Galactic Alliance. Despite initially resisting these changes, Luke Skywalker comes to a deeper understanding of the role of Jedi in the galaxy, and his role as the leader of the Jedi.
  • 40 年 ABY - Legacy of the Force
    • The Galactic Alliance teeters on the brink of civil war, as a large movement in the galaxy, centered on Corellia, believe it is becoming so authoritarian and draconian as to be turning into a new Empire.
    • A major schism occurs between the Solo and Skywalker families during the war, as the Solos support the insurrection against what they see as a new Empire forming, while the Skywalker family supports what they see as the legitimate government.
    • Lumiya, former Emperor's Hand, has learned the ways of the Sith and is rebuilding the Sith, and courts Jacen Solo as her new apprentice.
  • 130 年 ABY - Star Wars: Legacy
    • The seat of Galactic government has been returned to Coruscant, with a new gleaming Jedi Temple as part of the skyline.
    • The Sith Order has been fully rebuilt, now lead by Darth Nihl and Darth Krayt, and poses a serious threat once again to the peace of the Galaxy. The Sith have attacked the Jedi Praxeum on Ossus and have left many casualties.
    • The Imperial Remnant has dramatically rebuilt and is once again calling itself the Galactic Empire, it is now ruled by an Emperor elected by the Moffs, and protected by Imperial Knights, a faction of Grey Jedi that are personally loyal to the Emperor.
    • In the aftermath of a three-way war between the Galactic Alliance, Galactic Empire, and the new Sith Order; the Galactic Empire is a major power in the Galaxy again (and the Sith have gained great power as well), and the Galactic Alliance is in a very weak position.
    • Cade Skywalker, the great-great-grandson of Luke Skywalker (as per Skywalker family tree) , was trained to be a Jedi, but walked away from the Jedi Order to become a pirate and later, a bounty hunter. He begins to rediscover his destiny as a member of the Skywalker clan, and rise to challenge the reborn Sith.


[星戰 "人" 物 角色]

依照字母順序排列 ....

Aayla Secura 艾拉‧席庫亞

Adi Gallia  艾迪‧葛莉雅

Admiral Ackbar 亞克博 上將

Admiral Daala  妲拉上將

Admiral Motti  莫提上將

Admiral Piett  皮耶特上將

Admiral Ozzel  歐佐上將

Agen Kolar  安吉.科拉

Anakin Skywalker  安那金.天行者

Arvel Crynyd

  • 六部曲

Aurra Sing

  • 首部曲

Bail Organa  貝爾‧歐嘉納

Barriss Offee  芭麗絲‧歐非

Beru Whitesun Lars  蓓魯.惠森.拉斯

Bib Fortuna

  • 首部曲 + 六部曲

Biggs Darklighter  畢斯‧暗光者

Boba Fett  波巴.費特

Bultar Swan

  • 二部曲 + 六部曲

Captain Needa   倪達艦長

Captain Panaka  巴那卡隊長

Captain Typho

  • 二部曲 + 三部曲

Chief Bast

  • 四部曲

Chancellor Valorum  最高議長魏倫

Chewbacca  邱巴卡

Cin Drallig

  • 三部曲

Cliegg Lars  克里格.拉斯

Commander Cody  複製人指揮官柯迪

Count Dooku / Darth Tyranus  杜酷伯爵

Corde  柯笛

C-3PO  崔皮歐

Dack Ralter

  • 五部曲

Darth Maul  達斯‧魔

Darth Sidious  達斯‧西帝

Darth Vader  達斯.維德

Daultay Dofine

  • 首部曲

Depa Billaba  戴帕‧畢拉芭

Dexter Jettster

  • 二部曲

Dormé  朶美

Eeth Koth  易斯.考斯

Garven Dreis

  • 四部曲

General Dodonna  都東納將軍

General Grievous  葛里維斯將軍

General Madine

  • 六部曲

General Rieekan

  • 五部曲

General Veers

  • 五部曲

Gilramos Libkath

  • 二部曲

Grand Moff Tarkin

  • 三部曲 + 四部曲

Han Solo

  • Harrison Ford 飾演
  • 四部曲 + 五部曲 + 六部曲

Hermione Bagwa

  • 二部曲

High General Tagge

  • 四部曲

Jabba the Hutt

  • 首部曲 + 四部曲 + 六部曲

Jango Fett

  • 二部曲

Jar Jar Binks 恰恰‧賓克斯

Jek Porkins

  • 四部曲

Jocasta Nu

  • 二部曲


  • 首部曲 + 二部曲 + 三部曲

Kit Fisto

  • 二部曲 + 三部曲


  • 首部曲

Lama Su

  • 二部曲

Lando Calrissian  藍道.卡瑞森

Luke Skywalker

  • 三部曲 + 四部曲 + 五部曲 + 六部曲

Luminara Unduli

  • 二部曲 + 三部曲


  • 五部曲

Mace Windu

  • 首部曲 + 二部曲 + 三部曲

Major Derlin  德林少校


  • 六部曲

Mas Amedda 馬斯‧阿美達

Moff Jerjerrod

  • 六部曲

Mon Mothma

  • 三部曲

Nute Gunray

  • 首部曲 + 二部曲 + 三部曲

Obi-Wan Kenobi

  •  首部曲 + 二部曲 + 三部曲 + 四部曲 + 五部曲 + 六部曲


  • 六部曲

Orn Free Taa

  • 首部曲 + 二部曲 + 三部曲

Owen Lars

  • 二部曲 + 三部曲 + 四部曲

Padmé Amidala 佩米‧艾米達拉


  • 首部曲 + 二部曲 + 三部曲 + 五部曲 + 六部曲

Plo Koon

  • 首部曲 + 二部曲 + 三部曲

Poggle the Lesser

  • 二部曲 + 三部曲

Princess Leia Organa 莉亞‧歐嘉納 (公主)

Queen Apailana

  • 三部曲

Queen Jamillia

  • 二部曲

Qui-Gon Jinn

  • 首部曲 + 二部曲 + 三部曲

Ric Olié

  • 首部曲

Rune Haako

  • 首部曲 + 三部曲


  • 首部曲 + 二部曲 + 三部曲 + 四部曲 + 五部曲 + 六部曲


  • 首部曲


  • 首部曲


  • 首部曲

Shaak Ti

  • 二部曲 + 三部曲

Shmi Skywalker

  • 首部曲 + 二部曲

Sio Bibble

  • 首部曲 + 二部曲 + 三部曲

Sly Moore

  • 二部曲 + 三部曲

Stass Allie 史塔絲.艾列

  • 人類,女性絕地武士
  • 二部曲 + 三部曲

Sy Snootles

  • 六部曲


  • 三部曲

Taun We

  • 二部曲


  • 首部曲

Tion Medon

  • 三部曲


  • 首部曲 + 二部曲

Wedge Antilles 魏奇‧安提力斯

Wicket W. Warrick

  • 六部曲

Yoda 尤達大師

Zam Wesell

  • 二部曲

Zett Jukassa

  • 二部曲 + 三部曲

Zev Senesca

  • 五部曲


[先進的科幻名詞 - 包括 軍武 + 配備 + 飛行載具]

依照字母順序排列 ....

A-Wing  A翼戰機 

Advenced TIE Fighter / TIE AVENGER / TIE Advanced  先進鈦戰機

Air speeder  飛行艇

Assassin Droid  暗殺機器人

Assault Gunboat  突擊砲艇

AT-AT (All Terrain Armored Transporter)  全地域裝甲運輸載具

AT-PT (All Terrain Personal Transporter )  全地域人員運輸載具

AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transporter)  全地域偵察運輸載具

Automatic Sequence Charge 自動起爆裝置

B-Wing  B翼戰機

BlasTech DL-44 Pistol 「爆擊技術」 DL-44 型(雷射)手槍

BlasTech E-11 Electroscope 「爆擊技術」 E-11 型狙擊瞄準器

BlasTech E-11 Stormtrooper Rifle 「爆擊技術」 E-11 型突擊士兵制式步槍

Blaster  雷射槍

Bowcaster  弓槍

Bryar Pistol  拜爾手槍

Carbon Freeze  碳化

Carbonite Gun  碳化槍

Chaff  干擾絲

Cloud car  雲車

Concussion Missile  震爆飛彈

Concussion Rifle  震盪步槍

Construction Droid  建築機器人

Data card  資料卡

Death Star  死星 

Decoy Beam  欺敵光束

Delta-Class DX-9 Stormtrooper Transport  戴爾他級 DX-9 型突擊隊運兵艇

Dreadnaught  無畏級戰艦

E-Wing  E翼戰機

Eclipse Star Destroyer  日蝕級滅星者戰艦

Flare  熾燄彈

Flash Bomb  閃光彈

Force Pike  動力矛

Gamma-Class ATR-6 Assault Transport  珈瑪級 ATR-6 型強襲運兵艇

GCT (Global Communications Transpoder) Device  全域通訊器

Heavy Lifter Shuttle  載重貨運梭

Heavy Rocket  重型火箭

Holdout Blaster  掌心雷

Holo  全像

Hyperdrive  超空間引擎

Hyperspace  超空間

Imperial class Star Destroyer  帝國級滅星者戰艦

Inertial damper  抗慣性裝置

Interdictor Cruiser  阻絕者巡洋艦

Ion Cannon  離子炮

Jammer Beam  干擾光束

K-Wing  K翼戰機

Lambda Shuttle  蘭伯達級交通梭

Land speeder  陸行艇

Loading Droid  起重機器人

Lorinar Strike Cruiser  羅瑞那型打擊巡洋艦

Manual Sequence Charge  手動起爆裝置

Missile Boat  飛彈艇;飛彈快艇;飛彈砲艇

Nebulon-B Frigate  尼布隆B型巡防艦

Preybird 「獵食鳥」戰機;「狩獵鳥」戰機

Probe Droid  探測機器人

Protocol Droid  禮儀機器人

Proton Torpedo  質子魚雷

R-41 Starchaser R-41 「逐星者」式戰機

Rail Detonator  榴彈發射器

Repeater Rifle  連發步槍

Repulsor  反重力引擎

RMF-31 Repeating Blaster Cannon  RMF-31 雷射機砲

Sail Barge  浮力遊舫

Sandcrawler  沙蟲

Scimitar Assault Bomber 「彎刀」式突襲轟炸機

Seeker Rail Detonator  導彈發射器

Shadow Chaser  追影者

Shield Generator  護盾產生器

Shrike, Incom Alpha-52 prototype 「百舌鳥號」,印康 Alpha-52 型原型機

Shuttle Tydirium  泰迪倫交通梭

Skipray blastboat 「飛魟」型炮艇

Slave I  奴隸一號

Slave II  奴隸二號

Slave IV  奴隸四號

Snow speeder  雪地飛行器;雪飛艇

Spaarti cylinder  史巴提試管

Space Bomb  宇宙炸彈

Speeder Bike  飛行機車

SSD (K)Night Hammer  超級滅星者戰艦「暗夜之鎚/武士之鎚」號

SSD Allegiance  超級滅星者戰艦「忠誠」號

SSD Executor  超級滅星者戰艦「執行者」號

SSD Intimidator  超級滅星者戰艦「恐嚇者」號

SSD Iron Fist  超級滅星者戰艦「鐵拳」號

SSD Lusankya  超級滅星者戰艦「露珊琪亞」號 

SSD Razor's Kiss  超級滅星者戰艦「剃刀之吻」號 

SSD Terror  超級滅星者戰艦「恐懼」號 

SSD Vengeance  超級滅星者戰艦「復仇」號 

Star Galleon  星際炮艦

Starlight Intruder  星光闖入者 

Stinger  刺針 

Strike class Cruiser  打擊級巡洋艦

Sun Crusher  毀日者

Super (class) Star Destroyer  超級滅星者戰艦

Swoop  飆機

T-16 Skyhopper 「躍空號」飛艇

T-Wing  T翼戰機

Tantive IV  坦地夫四號 

Thermal Detonator  熱雷管;熱核手榴彈

TIE Bomber  鈦轟炸機

TIE Defender  鈦防禦者

TIE Fighter  鈦戰機

TIE Interceptor  鈦攔截機

Torture Droid  拷問機器人

Tractor Beam  拖曳光束;牽引光束

Trast Speeder Truck  卻司特型快速運輸艦

Troop Transport  浮遊運兵艇

Utility Tug  拖船

Victory class Star Destroyer  勝利級滅星者戰艦

Vindicator Star Destroyer  護衛者級滅星者戰艦

Virago  潑婦;悍婦 

Warhead Launcher  導彈發射器

Wild Karrde  狂野卡爾德 

World Devastator  滅世者

X-Wing  X翼戰機

Y-Wing  Y翼戰機

Z-95 Headhunter Z-95 「獵頭者」式戰機    



依照字母順序排列 ....

Kashyyyk  卡須克

Kessel  凱索

Maw  莫

Mechis III  馬其斯三號

Myrkr  密爾卡

Nal Hutta  那赫塔

Nar Shaddaa  那峽達 

New Alderaan  新奧德朗  

Ord Mantell  歐德曼特爾

Phorliss  佛利司

Rishi  瑞席

Sluis Van  斯陸依司.凡

Sullust  蘇祿斯特

Svivren  士維弗倫

Tatooine  塔圖音

Thyferra  帝佛拉 

Varonat  伐洛納特  

Vortex  渦特斯

Wayland  衛蘭

Yavin  雅汶 



依照字母順序排列 ....

Bith 畢斯族

Bothan 波森族

Ewok 伊渥克族

Gamorrean 遞秧

Gotal 果陀族

Human 人類

Hutt 赫特族

Ithorian / Hammerhead  依索族/棒槌頭

Jawa  賈娃族

Mon Calamari  蒙克萊梅利族 

Noghri  諾赫里族

Quarren / Squid Head  夸倫族 / 章魚頭

Rodian  羅地安族

Talz  塔茲族

Trandoshan  川多珊族

Tusken Raider / Sand People  塔斯肯強盜/沙人

Twi'lek  提列克族

Ugnaught  烏格那族

Weequay  威魁

Wookiee  烏奇族





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