封面為 2004年版電影 的 海報 ...
若說《歌劇魅影》為 20 / 21 世紀 影響最深遠的 小說 / 戲劇 作品,當之無愧 !!
尤其在 Andrew Lloyd Webber 舞台 歌舞劇 編織而成 動人音樂 的 推波助燃 之下,達到 全盛時期 的 頂鋒。
究竟這段 熾熱的 鬼魅故事,還要 持續燃燒、發光發熱 多久,沒有人能夠預測得準 .....
《歌劇魅影》的 原著小說 Le Fantôme de l'Opéra (英文譯名: The Phantom of the Opera) 誕生於 20 世紀的初期,作者是 法國作家 Gaston Leroux 卡斯頓.勒胡 (1868 - 1927)。
.... Gaston Leroux 本人
初版的 《歌劇魅影》原著小說,從 1909 / 09 / 23 到 1910 / 01 / 08 為止,約三個月的期間,以 "連載形式" 刊載於 Le Gaulois (應該是一份 法文 的報紙),據信是受到 另一位19世紀的 法國作家 George du Maurier (1834 - 1896) 的小說 Trilby 所啟發。
.... George du Maurier 的自畫肖像
電影 / 電視--
Phantom der Oper, Das (a.k.a., The Phantom of the Opera) (1916)
- IMDB - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0418056/
- 德國版 - 默劇電影
The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
Phantom of the Opera (1943)
Fantasma de la opereta, El (1960)
"Fantasma de la ópera, El" (1960) (mini)
- IMDB - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0346261/
- 阿根廷版
The Phantom of the Opera (1962)
Mostro dell'opera, Il (a.k.a., The Vampire of the Opera) (1964)
The Phantom of the Opera (1983) (TV)
The Phantom of the Opera (1987)
The Phantom of the Opera (1989)
Dance Macabre (a.k.a., Phantom of the Opera II) (1989)
The Phantom of the Opera (1990) (TV)
The Phantom of the Opera (1991) (TV)
"Fantasma da Ópera, O" (1991) (mini)
- IMDB - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0229125/
- 巴西版
Fantasma dell'opera, Il (a.k.a., Dario Argento's The Phantom of the Opera) (1998)
The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
- IMDB - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0293508/
- 以 Andrew Lloyd Webber 舞台歌舞劇 為 藍本 改編
Behind the Mask: The Story of 'The Phantom of the Opera' (2005)
舞台 歌舞劇 / 影音產品--
The Phantom of the Opera (Original 1986 London Cast)
Disc 1
- Prologue
- Overture
- Act One, Scene I: Think Of Me
- Act One, Scene 2: Angel Of Music
- Act One, Scene 3: Little Lotte.../The Mirror (Angel Of Music)
- Act One, Scene 4: The Phantom Of The Opera
- Act One, Scene 5: The Music Of The Night
- Act One, Scene 6: I Remember.../Stranger Than You Dreamt It...
- Act One, Scene 7: Magical Lasso...
- Act One, Scene 8: Notes.../Prima Donna
- Act One, Scene 9: Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh
- Act One, Scene 10: Why Have You Brought Me Here.../Raoul, I've Been There
- Act One, Scene 10: All I Ask Of You
- Act One, Scene 10: All I Ask Of You (Reprise)
Disc 2
- Entr'acte
- Act Two, Scene 1: Masquerade/Why So Silent...
- Act Two, Scene 3: Notes.../Twisted Every Way...
- Act Two, Scene 5: Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again
- Act Two, Scene 5: Wandering Child.../Bravo, Monsieur
- Act Two, Scene 7: The Point Of No Return
- Act Two, Scene 8: Down Once More.../Track Down This Murderer
Andrew Lloyd Webber: The Premiere Collection Encore (1992)
The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber (1995) (TV)
Sarah Brightman: One Night in Eden - Live in Concert (1998)
Sarah Brightman in Concert (1998) (TV)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: Masterpiece (2002) (TV)
- 原著小說,作者 Gaston Leroux 卡斯頓.勒胡 (1868 - 1927)
1925年版 電影海報
- Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Phantom_of_the_Opera
- Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaston_Leroux
- Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_du_Maurier