2007/05/28 - 得獎名單揭曉
《四月三週又二天》- 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (羅馬尼亞)
- 坎城影展"最佳影片金棕櫚獎"
《潛水鐘與蝴蝶》- Le Scaphandre et Le Papillon (法國)
- 坎城影展"最佳導演獎" - Julian Schnabel 朱利安‧夏納貝爾
- 坎城影展"評審團大獎"
《茉莉人生》Persepolis (法國動畫片)
- 坎城影展"評審團獎" (共同獲得)
《靜寂餘光》- Silent Light
- 坎城影展"評審團獎" (共同獲得)
《驅逐出境》- The Banishment (俄羅斯)
- 坎城影展"最佳男主角獎" - Konstantin Lavronenko 康斯坦丁‧拉佛郎南柯
《秘密的陽光》- Secret Sunshine (南韓)
- 坎城影展"最佳女主角獎" - 全度妍
《天堂邊緣》- The Edge of Heaven
- 坎城影展"最佳編劇獎"
《偏執狂公園》- Paranoid Park (美國)
- 坎城影展"60週年特別獎"
- 《四月三週又二天》4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days directed by Cristian MUNGIU 克利斯坦‧穆吉烏
- 《亞歷桑德拉》Alexandra directed by Alexander SOKUROV 亞歷山大‧蘇古諾夫
- 《天堂邊緣》The Edge of Heaven directed by Fatih AKIN 費斯‧阿金
- 《死亡證據》Death Proof directed by Quentin TARANTINO 昆丁‧塔倫提諾
- 《進口出口》Import Export directed by Ulrich SEIDL 伍瑞‧克塞德爾
- 《驅逐出境》The Banishment directed by Andreï ZVIAGUINTSEV
- 《潛水鐘與蝴蝶》Le Scaphandre et Le Papillon directed by Julian SCHNABEL 朱利安‧許納北
- 《一首接一首的情歌》Les Chansons D'Amour directed by Christophe HONORÉ 克里斯多夫‧何內
- 《殯葬森林》The Mourning Forest directed by Naomi KAWASE 和瀨直美
- 《藍莓之夜》My Blueberry Nights directed by WONG Kar Wai 王家衛 ........ 開幕片
- 《老頭無國度》No Country for Old Men directed by Joel COEN and Ethan COEN 科恩兄弟
- 《偏執狂公園》Paranoid Park directed by Gus VAN SANT 葛斯‧范‧桑
- 《茉莉人生》Persepolis directed by Marjane SATRAPI 瑪嘉‧莎塔碧 and Vincent PARONNAUD 文森‧帕宏諾
- 《請對我承諾》Promise Me This directed by Emir KUSTURICA 艾米爾‧庫斯杜力卡
- 《秘密的陽光》Secret Sunshine directed by LEE Chang-dong 李滄東
- 《呼吸》Breath directed by KIM Ki-duk 金基德
- 《靜寂餘光》Silent Light directed by Carlos REYGADAS 卡洛斯‧黑格達斯
- 《讚美詩篇》Tehilim directed by Raphaël NADJARI 哈法埃耳‧納賈黎
- 《倫敦來的男人》The Man from London directed by Béla TARR 貝拉‧塔爾
- 《老情婦》Une Vieille Martresse directed by Catherine BREILLAT 凱瑟琳‧布蕾亞
- 《我們擁有夜晚》We Own the Night directed by James GRAY 詹姆斯‧葛雷
- 《索命黃道帶》Zodiac directed by David FINCHER 大衛.芬奇
- 官網 -
- Wikipedia - Cannes Film Festival -
- Wikipedia - 2007 Cannes Film Festival -
- 維基百科 - 第60屆坎城影展 -