
2007/05/28 - 得獎名單揭曉

《四月三週又二天》- 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (羅馬尼亞)

  • 坎城影展"最佳影片金棕櫚獎"

《潛水鐘與蝴蝶》- Le Scaphandre et Le Papillon (法國)

  • 坎城影展"最佳導演獎" - Julian Schnabel 朱利安‧夏納貝爾


  • 坎城影展"評審團大獎"


《茉莉人生》Persepolis (法國動畫片)

  • 坎城影展"評審團獎" (共同獲得)

《靜寂餘光》- Silent Light

  • 坎城影展"評審團獎" (共同獲得)

《驅逐出境》- The Banishment  (俄羅斯)

  •  坎城影展"最佳男主角獎" - Konstantin Lavronenko 康斯坦丁‧拉佛郎南柯

《秘密的陽光》- Secret Sunshine (南韓)

  • 坎城影展"最佳女主角獎" - 全度妍

《天堂邊緣》- The Edge of Heaven

  • 坎城影展"最佳編劇獎"

《偏執狂公園》- Paranoid Park (美國)

  • 坎城影展"60週年特別獎"


  1. 《四月三週又二天》4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days directed by Cristian MUNGIU 克利斯坦‧穆吉烏
  2. 《亞歷桑德拉》Alexandra directed by Alexander SOKUROV 亞歷山大‧蘇古諾夫
  3. 《天堂邊緣》The Edge of Heaven directed by Fatih AKIN 費斯‧阿金
  4. 《死亡證據》Death Proof directed by Quentin TARANTINO 昆丁‧塔倫提諾 
  5. 《進口出口》Import Export directed by Ulrich SEIDL 伍瑞‧克塞德爾
  6. 《驅逐出境》The Banishment directed by Andreï ZVIAGUINTSEV
  7. 《潛水鐘與蝴蝶》Le Scaphandre et Le Papillon directed by Julian SCHNABEL 朱利安‧許納北 
  8. 《一首接一首的情歌》Les Chansons D'Amour directed by Christophe HONORÉ 克里斯多夫‧何內
  9. 《殯葬森林》The Mourning Forest directed by Naomi KAWASE 和瀨直美
  10. 《藍莓之夜》My Blueberry Nights directed by WONG Kar Wai 王家衛 ........ 開幕片
  11. 《老頭無國度》No Country for Old Men directed by Joel COEN and Ethan COEN 科恩兄弟
  12. 《偏執狂公園》Paranoid Park directed by Gus VAN SANT 葛斯‧范‧桑
  13. 《茉莉人生》Persepolis directed by Marjane SATRAPI 瑪嘉‧莎塔碧 and Vincent PARONNAUD 文森‧帕宏諾
  14. 《請對我承諾》Promise Me This directed by Emir KUSTURICA 艾米爾‧庫斯杜力卡
  15. 《秘密的陽光》Secret Sunshine directed by LEE Chang-dong 李滄東
  16. 《呼吸》Breath directed by KIM Ki-duk 金基德
  17. 《靜寂餘光》Silent Light directed by Carlos REYGADAS 卡洛斯‧黑格達斯
  18. 《讚美詩篇》Tehilim directed by Raphaël NADJARI 哈法埃耳‧納賈黎
  19. 《倫敦來的男人》The Man from London directed by Béla TARR 貝拉‧塔爾
  20. 《老情婦》Une Vieille Martresse directed by Catherine BREILLAT 凱瑟琳‧布蕾亞
  21. 《我們擁有夜晚》We Own the Night directed by James GRAY 詹姆斯‧葛雷
  22. 《索命黃道帶》Zodiac directed by David FINCHER 大衛.芬奇


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