- 生日: 1964 / 09 / 02
- 國籍: 加拿大 (出生地:黎巴嫩 的 貝魯特市)
- 2008--The Day the Earth Stood Still
- 2008--The Night Watchman
- 2006--《跳越時空的情書》The Lake House
- 2006--《心機掃描》A Scanner Darkly
- 2005--《康斯坦汀:驅魔神探》Constantine
- 2005--《吮指少年》Thumbsucker
- 2005--Video Hits: Paula Abdul
- 2005--Ellie Parker
- 2003--《愛你在心眼難開》Something's Gotta Give
- 2003--《駭客任務完結篇:最後戰役》The Matrix Revolutions
- 2003--The Animatrix: Kid's Story (動畫) (配音)
- 2003--Enter the Matrix
- 2003--《駭客任務:重裝上陣》The Matrix Reloaded
- 2001--《追夢高手》Hard Ball
- 2001--《甜蜜的十一月》Sweet November
- 2000--《靈異大逆轉》The Gift
- 2000--《兇手正在看著你》The Watcher
- 2000--《十全大補男》The Replacements
- 1999--Me and Will
- 1999--《駭客任務》The Matrix
- 1997--《魔鬼代言人》The Devil's Advocate
- 1997--《意氣風發》The Last Time I Committed Suicide
- 1996--《愛上明尼蘇達》Feeling Minnesota
- 1996--《連鎖反應》Chain Reaction
- 1995--《漫步在雲端》A Walk in the Clouds
- 1995--《捍衛機密》Johnny Mnemonic
- 1994--《捍衛戰警》Speed
- 1993--《小活佛》Little Buddha
- 1993--《藍調牛仔妹》Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
- 1993--《怪人集團》Freaked
- 1993--《都是男人惹的禍》Much Ado About Nothing
- 1992--《吸血鬼》Bram Stoker's Dracula
- 1991--《男人的一半還是男人》My Own Private Idaho
- 1991--《阿比阿弟暢遊鬼門關》Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
- 1991--《驚爆點》Point Break
- 1991--Captivated '92: The Video Collection
- 1991--Providence
- 1990--《情人有約》Tune in Tomorrow
- 1990--"Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures" (TV)
- 1990--《我真的愛死你》I Love You to Death
- 1989--"The Tracey Ullman Show" (TV)
- 1989--《溫馨家族》Parenthood
- 1989--《阿比阿弟的冒險》Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
- 1989--Life Under Water (TV)
- 1988--《危險關係》Dangerous Liaisons
- 1988--《魔鬼小霸王》The Prince of Pennsylvania
- 1988--《高校的血》Permanent Record
- 1988--The Night Before
- 1987--"Trying Times" (TV)
- 1986--Babes in Toyland (TV)
- 1986--Under the Influence (TV)
- 1986--《大河邊緣》River's Edge
- 1986--Young Again (TV)
- 1986--Act of Vengeance (TV)
- 1986--《血性小子》Youngblood
- 1986--Brotherhood of Justice (TV)
- 1986--《飛翔》Flying
- 1985--One Step Away
- 1985--"Comedy Factory" (TV)
- 1985--Letting Go (TV)
- 1985--"Night Heat" (TV)
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