- 生日: 1959 / 01/ 24
- 本名: Nastassja Aglaia Nakszynski
- 父親: Klaus Kinski
- 國籍: 德國
- 2009--Inglorious Bastards
- 2006--《內陸帝國》Inland Empire
- 2004--La Femme Musketeer (aka., Lady Musketier ) (TV)
- 2004--À ton image
- 2003--"Liaisons dangereuses, Les" (aka., Dangerous Liaisons) (mini) TV Series
- 2003--Paradise Found
- 2002--All Around the Town (2002) (TV)
- 2002--《殺戮驚魂》.com for Murder
- 2001--《賭城大笨賊》Beyond the City Limits
- 2001--"The District" - Tug of War (1 episode) TV
- 2001--The Day the World Ended (TV)
- 2001--《慾亂情迷》Diary of a Sex Addict
- 2001--《致命一夜情》Say Nothing
- 2001--《美國天堂》An American Rhapsody
- 2001--《老爸老媽愛出牆》Town & Country
- 2001--Blind Terror (TV)
- 2001--Cold Heart
- 2000--《致命交易》The Claim
- 2000--《同房兩家親》Time Share
- 2000--《紅色情殺》Red Letters
- 2000--《馬西阿諾的魔法》The Magic of Marciano
- 2000--A Storm in Summer (TV)
- 1999--The Intruder
- 1999--《牽手養父情》The Lost Son
- 1999--Quarantine (TV)
- 1998--《隨心所欲》Playing by Heart
- 1998--《殺夫連環計》Susan's Plan
- 1998--《左右鄰居》Your Friends & Neighbors
- 1998--《救世戰士》Savior
- 1998--Ciro norte
- 1997--Bella Mafia (TV)
- 1997--《一夜情》One Night Stand
- 1997--Little Boy Blue
- 1997--《可能的拍檔》Fathers' Day
- 1996--Somebody Is Waiting
- 1996--The Ring (1996) (TV)
- 1994--《摩天悍將》Terminal Velocity
- 1994--《笑彈龍虎榜》Crackerjack
- 1993--《咫尺天涯》In weiter Ferne, so nah! (aka., Faraway, So Close! )
- 1992--《金髮女郎》Bionda, La (aka., The Blonde)
- 1992--In camera mia
- 1991--Unizhennye i oskorblyonnye (aka., The Insulted and the Injured )
- 1990--《子夜的太陽》Sole anche di notte, Il (aka., Night Sun)
- 1990--Segreto, Il (aka., The Secret)
- 1990--Alba, L' (aka., Dawn)
- 1989--《激情後的陰影》In una notte di chiaro di luna (aka., As Long as It's Love)
- 1989--《急流的春天》Torrents of Spring
- 1989--《叛世情花》Magdalene (aka., Silent Night)
- 1987--Maladie d'amour (aka., Malady of Love)
- 1985--《革命》Revolution
- 1985--《后宮》Harem
- 1984--《瑪麗亞的情人》Maria's Lovers
- 1984--《巴黎,德州》Paris, Texas
- 1984--《故事》The Hotel New Hampshire
- 1984--《吃錯藥》Unfaithfully Yours
- 1983--《明月照溝渠》Lune dans le caniveau, La (aka., The Moon in the Gutter)
- 1983--《慾海狂焰》Exposed
- 1983--《春天交響曲》Frühlingssinfonie (aka., Spring Symphony)
- 1982--《豹人》Cat People
- 1982--《舊愛新歡》One from the Heart
- 1979--《黛絲姑娘》Tess
- 1978--《亂倫之愛》Così come sei (aka., Stay as You Are)
- 1978--《我愛黛比》Leidenschaftliche Blümchen (aka., Boarding School)
- 1977--"Tatort" (1 episode) TV
- 1976--To the Devil a Daughter
- 1975--《歧路》Falsche Bewegung (aka., False Movement)
- 寫真影片
Part 1
Part 2
- "Tatort" (1 episode) (1977) TV 精彩剪輯影片
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- Nastassja Kinski Gallery -
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