
《叢林赤子心》 Benji the Hunted (1987)


  • 導演:  Joe Camp 喬‧坎普
  • 編劇:  Joe Camp 喬‧坎普
  • 主要演員:
    • Benjean The Dog
  • 評價:  3.5 of 4


這是一部 狗明星 僻護 叢林中 幼美洲獅 動物電影。

一隻在美國 家喻戶曉 的 明星 班吉 (Benji, 由 Benjean The Dog 飾演),跟隨著主人出海釣魚度假卻遭遇海難落海失蹤。


原來明星 班吉 自行游泳上岸之後在山區林裡目睹美洲母遭到獵人槍殺遺留四隻幼明星 班吉 起了憐憫之心牠放心不下四隻失怙的幼每每看到主人直升機卻總是暫時躲避起來唯有盡心盡力為四隻幼找到新母的僻護才能了卻內心的赤子之心與責任感。

雖然面對灰狼、獵鷹的重重險阻明星 班吉 也不退卻牠的努力感動了另一隻母也觸動了電影觀眾的心弦非常好看的一部經典動物電影。


  • 劇照

電影主角 Benji the Dog (由 Benjean The Dog 飾演)

遇難前的 母

人 與 被抓到的 Benji

孤苦無依、嗷嗷待哺 的 4隻幼

Benji 英勇保護 僻蔭 的 幼

不慎摔落 斷崖 的 狡猾 灰狼 ~^^

新任託孤 的 母 與 Benji 的 眼神交會

感念的 眼神

經過多日往返,心急的主人 Frank Inn 的 直昇機 終於找到 Benji

  • Benji 系列 電影 / 電視影集

Benji (1974)

For the Love of Benji (1977)

Oh! Heavenly Dog (1980)

《叢林赤子心》Benji the Hunted (1987)

Benji: Off the Leash (2004)

Benji's Very Own Christmas Story (1978) TV

Benji, Zax, and the Alien Prince (1983) TV

  • Benji the Dog

第1代 Benji the 1st - 犬名 Higgins The Dog (1957 - 1975)

混種犬: 包含 迷你貴賓 (Miniature Poodle)、可卡 (Cocker Spaniel)、迷你雪納瑞 (Schnauzer) 等品種

 ... Higgins The Dog

Higgins The Dog 早期演出 60s 年代 CBS 的 電視影集 Petticoat Junction (1963 - 1970)。

 ... Petticoat Junction 劇組成員

1974年 Higgins The Dog 以 狗齡 17歲 的 高齡,演出 Benji 系列電影 的 第1集,也打響了該系列電影的名號。

第2代 Benji the 2rd - 犬名 Benjean The Dog (Higgins 的女兒)

演出多部 Benji 系列電影,包括 For the Love of Benji (1977),  Oh! Heavenly Dog (1980), 《叢林赤子心》Benji the Hunted (1987), Benji's Very Own Christmas Story (1978) TV, Benji, Zax, and the Alien Prince (1983) TV。

第3代 Benji the 3rd

從未參與任何 Benji 系列 電影 /  電視影集 的演出。

第4代 Benji the 4th - 犬名 Moochie The Dog

演出 Benji Off the Leash (2004)

  • Benji 的 訓練員 Frank Inn (1916 - 2002)

Frank Inn 是 一位著名的 靈犬演員 專業訓練員,生涯超過 50 年,他調教最出色的 狗演員 包括 Benji 與 萊西 (Lassie)。

私底下與他最親近的狗,當屬 Higgins The Dog 莫屬,如今,Frank Inn 與 Higgins The Dog 都已經歸天,壽終正寢,Higgins The Dog 的 骨灰 則依 Frank Inn 的遺囑 安葬在一起。

Frank Inn 生前曾為 Higgins The Dog 寫下一首詩 My Little Brown Dog,字裡行間傳遞他對 Higgins The Dog 流露出誠摯深厚的情感,非常感人,全文收錄如下:

My Little Brown Dog

I have a little brown dog that all my friends dearly love.
It is Benji, "God's Gift", to my family from heaven above.
A dog is one of God's created creatures that is faithful to men.
Because he is so faithful, he is called, "man's best friend."
He is a companion to people, he is a shepherd to sheep.
He guides the blind and he guards your home when you sleep.
Sometime you may betray your dog, but as long as he should live
He will follow his master faithfully and he will always forgive.
I wonder if Christ had a little brown dog that trusted and followed like mine
With two silky ears and a nose round and wet and two eyes round and tender that shine.
I am sure that if Christ had a little brown dog, it would feel like His master was God.
And would need no other proof that Christ was divine, and would worship the ground that He trod.
Now I don't believe that our Lord had a dog, because in the Bible I read
How He prayed in the garden alone, while His friends and disciples had fled.
I am sure that if Christ had a little brown dog, with a heart so tender and warm,
That dog would never have left Him to suffer alone, but he would have snuggled close under His arm.
Licking the fingers on His hands in agony clasped,
Still trying to comfort his boss.
And when they took Jesus away, he would have trotted behind.
He would have followed Him all the way to the cross.
Young children should learn to be faithful at home
Like my little brown dog I described in this poem.
Take them to Church and don't let them get bored,
So they can learn to be faithful and follow the Lord.
They should hear about Jesus, how he was born here on earth,
Remembering what He did for them when we celebrate His birth.
Be filled with the Spirit and you can live without fear,


  • Disney 頻道 的 Benji the Hunted (1988) 幕後花絮影片

  • 精彩剪輯影片

[Strong 的 愛犬 感念專欄]

今天 2008 年 9 月 24 日 凌晨 6:20,Strong 心愛 的 愛犬 傑力 (小名 阿狗,貴賓、馬爾濟斯混種,毛色白裡透紅) 闔上最後一眼,與世長辭,享壽13歲。

這幾天 傑力 的 重症 每況愈下,內心總是糾結在一塊;過去的美好時光 一幕幕地重演,歷歷在目,每每憶及如此的種種,一邊凝視著牠奄奄一息的身軀,既希望牠能繼續存在世上長伴我的左右,又盼望牠走時不要拖太久、太苦痛,矛盾心情油然而生。


阿狗 啊!! 阿狗!! 謝謝你豐富了我的生活,點點滴滴 ....

我對你的摯愛永遠不變,你凝視我時的可愛眼神,永遠無法磨滅;縱然,面對你的離去我依依不捨,希望你這一路上好走 ....

Strong 泣筆 于 2008/09/24

SW-Dog-001s.jpg ... 不到 1歲 的 傑力

 ... 3歲 的 傑力

SW-Dog-008s.jpg  SW-Dog-010s.jpg 



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