記憶之中 風度翩翩、神采奕奕 的 氣質媽媽,因為滑雪訓練的意外而往生,令人唏噓不已 ....
- 生日: 1963 / 05 / 11 (歿日: 2009/03/18)
- 國籍: 英國
- 2008--《野蠻公主》Wild Child
- 2007--《夜戀》Evening
- 2007--The Mastersons of Manhattan (TV)
- 2005--《異國情緣》The White Countess
- 2005--《愛慾癡狂》Asylum
- 2002--《女佣變鳳凰》Maid in Manhattan
- 2002--《兩對冤家一張床》Waking Up in Reno
- 2001--《切爾西大牆》Chelsea Walls
- 2001--《大放異彩》Blow Dry
- 2001--Haven (TV)
- 2000--The Man Who Came to Dinner (TV)
- 1998--《天生一對》The Parent Trap
- 1996--"Tales from the Crypt" (TV)
- 1994--《大地的女兒》Nell
- 1994--《寡婦嶺》Widows' Peak
- 1993--Zelda (TV)
- 1993--Hostages (TV)
- 1993--Suddenly, Last Summer (TV)
- 1991--《限時索命》Past Midnight
- 1991--The Favour, the Watch and the Very Big Fish
- 1990--《迷情殺機》The Comfort of Strangers
- 1990--《女僕的故事》or《世紀滴血》The Handmaid's Tale
- 1989--《直接武力》Fat Man and Little Boy
- 1988--《紅色八爪女》Patty Hearst
- 1987--《玫瑰夫人》A Month in the Country
- 1987--Ghosts (TV)
- 1987--"Worlds Beyond" (TV)
- 1986--《歌德夜譚》Gothic
- 1985--"The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (TV)
- 1985--In the Secret State (TV)
- 1984--"Oxbridge Blues" (TV)
- 1984--"Ellis Island" (TV)
- 1983--Every Picture Tells a Story
- 1973--《火拼第一線》Polizia incrimina la legge assolve, La (aka., High Crime)
- 1968--《英烈傳》The Charge of the Light Brigade
- 寫真影片
- 《天生一對》The Parent Trap (1998) 精彩剪輯影片
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