- 生日: 1929 / 01 / 31 (歿日: 2010 / 01 / 22)
- 國籍: 英國
- 2009--《情定托斯卡尼》Shadows in the Sun
- 2005--《魔比斯環》Thru the Moebius Strip (配音)
- 2004--《霍爾的移動城堡》Hauru no ugoku shiro (aka., Howl's Moving Castle) (英語版配音)
- 2003--Winter Solstice (TV)
- 2001--《太空戰士》Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (配音)
- 2000--"American Masters" (配音)
- 1998--Her Own Rules (TV)
- 1998--"Mysteries of the Bible III" (TV)
- 1995--Daisies in December (TV)
- 1995--《編織戀愛夢》How to Make an American Quilt
- 1994--One More Mountain (TV)
- 1994--"In the Heat of the Night" (TV)
- 1993--"Angel Falls" (TV)
- 1991--They Do It with Mirrors (TV)
- 1991--"Star Trek: The Next Generation" (TV)
- 1991--"Dark Shadows" (TV)
- 1990--People Like Us (TV)
- 1990--Laker Girls (TV)
- 1990--"American Playhouse" (TV)
- 1990--Dark Shadows (TV)
- 1989--"Great Expectations" (TV)
- 1989--"Murder, She Wrote" (TV)
- 1988--"Alfred Hitchcock Presents" (TV)
- 1988--A Friendship in Vienna (TV) (配音)
- 1988--Yellow Pages
- 1988--Inherit the Wind (TV)
- 1988--《天倫夢醒》The Dawning
- 1987--Perry Mason: The Case of the Lost Love (TV)
- 1986--《北與南續集》"North and South, Book II" (TV)
- 1985--《北與南》"North and South" (TV)
- 1985--"Hotel" (TV)
- 1985--Midas Valley (TV)
- 1984--December Flower (TV)
- 1983--"All for Love" (TV)
- 1983--《刺鳥》"The Thorn Birds" (TV)
- 1981--A Small Killing (TV)
- 1981--Jacqueline Susann's Valley of the Dolls (TV)
- 1981--Golden Gate (TV)
- 1979--Beggarman, Thief (TV)
- 1978--"The Dain Curse" (TV)
- 1978--Dominique
- 1977--《檀島警騎》"Hawaii Five-O" (TV)
- 1975--《大楓樹先生》Mr. Sycamore
- 1975--The Easter Promise (TV)
- 1972--"The Odd Couple" (TV)
- 1972--Decisions! Decisions! (TV)
- 1971--《昨日再現》Say Hello to Yesterday
- 1969--《愉快的結束》The Happy Ending
- 1968--《海蒂童心》Heidi (TV)
- 1967--《猛虎屠黑龍》Rough Night in Jericho
- 1967--《美國式的離婚》Divorce American Style
- 1967--"Hallmark Hall of Fame" (TV)
- 1967--"Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre" (TV)
- 1966--《長相憶》Mister Buddwing
- 1965--《金屋淚續集》Life at the Top
- 1963--《田園故夢》All the Way Home
- 1960--《綠苑春濃》The Grass Is Greener
- 1960--《萬夫莫敵》Spartacus
- 1960--《孽海痴魂》Elmer Gantry
- 1959--《這是我的土地》This Earth Is Mine
- 1958--Home Before Dark
- 1958--《錦繡大地》The Big Country
- 1957--《征人怨婦》Until They Sail
- 1957--《良辰今宵》This Could Be the Night
- 1956--《蘭閨怨》Hilda Crane
- 1955--《紅男綠女》Guys and Dolls
- 1955--《霧夜足音》Footsteps in the Fog
- 1954--《拿破崙情史》Desirée
- 1954--《翠谷奇緣》A Bullet Is Waiting
- 1954--《埃及人》The Egyptian
- 1954--《妾意如綿》She Couldn't Say No
- 1953--《紅伶夢》The Actress
- 1953--《聖袍千秋》The Robe
- 1953--《恨短情長》Affair with a Stranger
- 1953--《深宮怨》Young Bess
- 1952--《羅宮伏獅記》Androcles and the Lion
- 1952--《玉面蛇心》Angel Face
- 1950--The Clouded Yellow
- 1950--《紅粉情波風塵淚》Cage of Gold
- 1950--Trio (in segment Sanitorium)
- 1950--So Long at the Fair
- 1949--《孤女芳心》Adam and Evelyne
- 1949--《南海天堂》The Blue Lagoon
- 1948--《王子復仇記》Hamlet
- 1947--The Woman in the Hall
- 1947--Uncle Silas
- 1947--《黑水仙》Black Narcissus
- 1947--Hungry Hill
- 1946--《孤星血淚》Great Expectations
- 1945--《凱薩與克麗奧佩拉》Caesar and Cleopatra
- 1945--《星之路》The Way to the Stars
- 1945--Meet Sexton Blake
- 1945--Kiss the Bride Goodbye
- 1944--Mr. Emmanuel
- 1944--《給我們月亮》Give Us the Moon
- 1944--Sports Day
- 寫真影片
Part 1
Part 2
- 早期的初登場影片
- 《紅男綠女》Guys and Dolls (1955) 精彩歌舞片段影片
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