《穆荷蘭大道》- Mulholland Dr. (2001)
- 導演: David Lynch 大衛‧林區
- 編劇: David Lynch 大衛‧林區
- 主要演員:
- Naomi Watts 娜歐蜜‧華茲
- Laura Harring 羅拉‧荷琳
- 評價: 3.5 / 4
特異的鋪陳手法,讓觀眾摸不著頭緒,一直是大衛林區吸引全球影迷的特殊魅力,《穆荷蘭大道》其實是一個好萊塢失意的女演員 Naomi Watts,做了一個超現實的夢,夢境裡自己是一位演技超棒的新人,在美好的情境下試鏡,獲得極大的賞識,在借宿的房間裡,遇到一位在穆荷蘭大道(Mulholland Drive)車禍受傷而失去記憶的女性 Laura Harring,充滿愛心的 Naomi Watts 好意收留,並協助她找回失去的記憶。
然而,真實的 Naomi Watts 卻與夢境呈現的完全不同,人緣不佳,不被賞識,好友冷落,所有負面的情緒因子都加諸在她的身上,導致情緒幾乎崩潰,最後以悲劇收場。
導演 David Lynch 用了許多的隱喻伏筆,例如 "紅色燈罩", "盒子", "鑰匙", "藍色火光", "侏儒" (小矮人)。
當 Laura Harring 用西班牙語唸出 Silencio (等同 silence),引領 Naomi Watts 來到這間 Silencio Club,隨著女歌手唱著西班牙歌曲 Llorando (crying),Laura Harring 與Naomi Watts 不禁潸然淚下,我也受到感染,歌詞(英譯)如下:
I was all right,For a while
I could smile for a while,But I saw you last night
You held my hand so tight,As you stopped to say hello
You wished me well and you...couldn't tell
That I've been crying......over you
Crying.......over you
Since you said "so long"
I've been miserable and alone,Lonesome and crying
It's hard to understand,That upon seeing you again
I'd be crying
I thought,That I was over you
But it's true, so true
I love you even more
Much more than I did before
But darling, what can I do
You don't love me anymore
And I will always be....Crying over you
Crying over you
Your love has captured,The whole of my heart
That was left crying
(歌曲 Llorando 西班牙文歌詞: http://www.hotlyrics.net/lyrics/E/Elvis_Crespo/Llorando.html )
1. 電影劇照 - Naomi Watts (左) 與 Laura Harring (右)
電影劇照 - 失去記憶的 Laura Harring
電影劇照 - 夢境中出現的腐屍
電影劇照 - Naomi Watts 與 Laura Harring 的情慾畫面
2. 導演 David Lynch
David Lynch 指導女星 Naomi Watts 的演出
David Lynch 與演員的互動
- Wikipedia - Mulholland Drive
- IMDB - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0166924/